Examples of qualitative research questions in nursing

STEP 4: brainstorm your questions

Now you have explored different aspects of your topic, you may construct more focused questions (you can create a few questions and pick one later).

A background search will show you how others formulate their questions, hence expand your research direction.

Learn more: 

  • Clear and present questions: formulating questions for evidence based practice (Booth 2006)

    This article provides an overview of thinking in relation to the theory and practice of formulation of answerable research questions.

STEP 5: Pick a question and focus

Once you have a few questions to choose from, pick one and refine it even further.

    A background search may help you identify additional keywords in this step.

    Are you required to use "PICO"?

    • PICO
    • PICO worksheet
    • Other frameworks
    • Learn more

    The PICO framework (or other variations) can be useful for developing an answerable clinical question. 

    The example question used in this guide is a PICO question:
     How does speech therapy compare to cognitive behavioural therapy in improving speech fluency in adolescents?

    P Population OR Patient OR Problem
    What are the characteristics of the patient or population? OR
    What is the condition or disease you are interested in?
    teenager with a stutter
    I/E Intervention OR Exposure
    What do you want to do with the patient (e.g. treat, diagnose, observe etc.)?
    speech therapy
    C Comparison OR Comparator
    What is the alternative to the treatment (e.g.placebo, different drug, surgery)?
    cognitive behavioural therapy
    O Outcome
    What is the relevant outcome (e.g. morbidity, complications)?
    speech fluency

    Note: PICO is one option, there are other frameworks you can use too!

    Use the interactive PICO worksheet to get started with your question, or you can download the worksheet document.

    Here are some different frameworks you may want to use:

    PICO(T) Population (patient), Intervention, Comparison (control) and Outcome. Add aTimeframe if required. Used particularly for treatment type questions.
    PECO(T) A variation of PICO where E= Exposure and T=Timeframe if required.
    PIPOH Developed in the context of practice guideline adaptation. Includes P= Professionals/Patients, O= Outcome and H= Healthcare Setting.
    SPICE S= Setting (where), P= Perspective (for whom), I= Intervention (what), C= Comparison (compared with what), E= Evaluation (Booth 2006).
    SPIDER S= Sample, P= Phenomenon of interest, D= Design, E= Evaluation, R= Research type. Useful for qualitative or mixed method studies (Cooke, Smith and Booth 2012).
    ECLIPSE E= Expectations, C= Client group, L= Location, I= Impact, P= Profession, SE= Service (Wildridge & Bell 2002).
    PESTLE P= Political, E= Economic, SSocial, TTechnological, E= Environmental, L= Legal (CIPD 2010).

    There are a number of PICO variations which can be used for different types of questions, such as qualitative, and background and foreground questions. Visit the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Guide to learn more:

    What is an example of a qualitative research question in nursing?

    For example, in the qualitative research question, "What are the barriers felt by nurses that lead to the reluctance to use EBP in practice?" Design can be viewed as the techniques used by the qualitative researchers to gather their data.

    What are examples of qualitative research questions?

    Examples of qualitative research questions: What is it like growing up in a single-parent family in a rural environment? What are the experiences of people working night shifts in health care? How would overweight people describe their meal times while dieting?

    What are some good nursing research questions?

    Examples of Research Questions.
    Does the administration of pain medication at time of surgical incision reduce the need for pain medication twenty-four hours after surgery?.
    What maternal factors are associated with obesity in toddlers?.
    What elements of a peer support intervention prevent suicide in high school females?.

    What is a quantitative question in nursing?

    Quantitative Questions aim to discover cause and effect relationships, often through comparison. Comparison may occur between two or more individuals or groups based on outcomes associated with differences in exposures or interventions.


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