How much do diesel mechanics make in tennessee

Salary rate







How much do diesel mechanics make in tennessee

How much do diesel mechanics make in tennessee

How much does a Diesel mechanic maintenance make in Tennessee?

The average diesel mechanic maintenance salary in Tennessee is $49,400 per year or $25.33 per hour. Entry level positions start at $48,750 per year while most experienced workers make up to $62,790 per year.

How much do diesel mechanics make in tennessee

Average salaries by state

Salaries by city in Tennessee

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Maintenance Mechanic - Diesel Truck and Forklift

Carson City, Nevada

Basalite Concrete Products

... Job DescriptionMaintenance Mechanic I Carson City, NV $20-$25/HR DOEAre you looking for a company where you can start to grow your CAREER? ...

Elgin, Illinois

Clean HarborsĀ®

... $20 - $30 hourly ...

How much does a Diesel Mechanic make in Nashville, TN?

The average diesel mechanic in Nashville, TN makes $46,350 annually. The average hourly rate for a diesel mechanic is $22.28/hr. This compares to the national average diesel mechanic salary of $49,842. Below, we break down the average diesel mechanic salary in Nashville, TN by the highest paying companies and industries. You can also compare different types of diesel mechanic salaries in and around Nashville and a salary history chart that shows how the average salary for diesel mechanics has changed over time in Nashville.

Diesel Mechanic Jobs Near Nashville, TN

Highest Paying Companies For Diesel Mechanics In Nashville, TN

This chart shows how diesel mechanic salaries compare at nearby companies. To view companies in a different region, use the location filter below to select a city or state.

Highest Paying Companies For Diesel Mechanics In Nashville, TN

Highest Paying Cities Around Nashville, TN For Diesel Mechanics

Location can have a major impact on how much diesel mechanics get paid. This chart shows how diesel mechanic salaries can vary depending on where they're located in the United States.

Average Diesel Mechanic Pay By Industry In Nashville, TN

The salary for a diesel mechanic can vary depending on what industry the job is in. Here is a breakdown of the average pay across different industries that diesel mechanics work in.

Highest Paying Industries in Nashville, TN

Diesel Mechanic Jobs Near Nashville, TN

Average Diesel Mechanic Salary Over Time In Nashville, TN

Compare the average diesel mechanic salary history for individual cities or states with the national average.

Average Diesel Mechanic Salary In Nashville, TN By Year

Diesel Mechanic Salaries In Nashville FAQs

What Is The Salary Range For a Diesel Mechanic In Nashville, TN?

The salary range for a diesel mechanic in Nashville, TN is from $33,000 to $63,000 per year, or $16 to $30 per hour.

What Is A Liveable Salary In Nashville, TN?

A liveable salary in Nashville, TN is $46,300, or $22 per hour. That is the average salary for people living in Nashville.

What Is A Good Salary In Nashville, TN?

A good salary in Nashville, TN is anything over $46,300. That's because the median income in Nashville is $46,300, which means if you earn more than that you're earning more than 50% of the people living in Nashville.

What Is a Diesel Mechanic's Salary In Nashville, TN?

Search For Diesel Mechanic Jobs

How much does a diesel tech make in Tennessee?

As of Sep 12, 2022, the average annual pay for an Entry Level Diesel Mechanic in Tennessee is $34,783 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $16.72 an hour. This is the equivalent of $668/week or $2,898/month.

What state pays the most for diesel mechanics?

Top 10 Annual Average Diesel Mechanics Salary:.
Alaska: $62,820. Top economic industries in Alaska include oil, fishing, timber, mining and agriculture. ... .
Connecticut: $60,200. ... .
Massachusetts: $60,150. ... .
Hawaii: $60,020. ... .
Washington: $59,500. ... .
New Jersey: $59,030. ... .
7. California: $58,980. ... .
District of Columbia: $58,480..

What the most a diesel mechanic can make?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the median annual heavy-duty diesel mechanic salary is $48,690, which works out to about $23.41 per hour. However, those numbers are simply the middle of the pay scale. Some heavy-duty techs make as much as $72,000 to $93,000 per year.

What state do mechanics get paid the most?

Ranking All 50 States and the District of Columbia.