One swollen lymph node in neck no other symptoms reddit

A few months ago I was certain I had some form of lymphoma. Had one swollen lymph node appear on my neck back in October and thought huh that was weird, but didn’t think anything of it. Fast forward to end of March and a few more pop up in my groin area. Proceed to freak out, get blood work done, and the tests are normal. The semester ends and all is well, I’ve been making major gains in the gym, (have lost over 100 pounds) and have been really hitting it off with the girl who I’m crazy about. So summer is here and the family takes a trip to Galveston for a week or so. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY BUT I WENT DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE OF GOOGLE AND READ THAT A NORMAL BLOOD TEST WILL NOT PICK UP LYMPHOMA. Proceed to freak out again. Begin checking myself for more nodes and HOLY CRAP I can feel two more on my lower left neck and FUCKING 5 on my right side of neck. So at this point I’m certain I’m dying. I was never sick throughout this time, showed no other symptoms of lymphoma, and my blood tests were normal so I wasn’t fighting an infection so my conclusion was lymphoma obviously. This is when shit went downhill, stopped going to gym, gained like 5-10 pounds in a literal week (ya I know). Shit was rough. Went to the doctor for an examination and the nurse practitioner said “I don’t think those are lymph nodes”. I was so confused and just angry as to why this was happening to me. Is this a node or a lipoma, an infection or cancer? I just wanted to know. This past week I finally went to get an ultrasound, I guess I procrastinated because I just did not want to come to terms with the reality of possibly having cancer at 21 years old. So during the ultrasound the technician is like yuuuuupppp those are swollen lymph nodes. At least now I know for sure right? He said not to take his word for it but he’s been doing ultrasounds for about 15 years and assured me that even though they were swollen, all the lymph nodes showed characteristics of normal lymph nodes and nothing seemed out of the ordinary but the radiologist will definitely know for sure. So I calm down a little bit and a few days later (today) I got a phone call from the radiologist and she said everything checked out fine: NO CANCER. I asked if a biopsy would be needed and they were strongly against it. Ok so like 10 professionals, one of which was a FUCKING RADIOLOGIST said don’t worry and to stop poking and prodding at the nodes. So as of today I am no longer going to let these pesky little fuckers ruin my life, I am going to continue to lose weight, continue going to the gym, AND I’m going to stop being a pussy and ask out my friend to a date.

Please I hope this helps someone, anyone. There are a million reasons for your lymph nodes to swell, and messing with them will only make them bigger. The moment you feel off or notice something just get it checked out sooner than later. Life is way too short to be worrying about something that most likely isn’t even an issue. I think I’ve finally overcome my health anxiety and I hope you can too.

Essentially, I've been going through some stress due to two inflamed lymphnodes that have been noticeably enlarged in my neck for awhile now my they're both around the size of peas, and they've been the source of some significant worry for awhile now.

Anyway, I went and saw a physician on campus when I was at school, and at the time I only had one inflamed lymphnode. He told me it was normal, and would probably go away with time, as I didn't have any other symptoms of lymphoma, there was nothing to worry about.

About a week later I noticed another one in my neck, and the doctor I saw said to get it checked out again if another one showed up, so I finished up my finals, and saw a different doctor upon coming home. This doctor was even less informative than before, and essentially told me it was nothing

My worry is that while I feel better knowing it's been looked at, I haven't been given any reason "why" or any solution. I understand the nature of inflamed lymphnodes, as it could mean any number of things, and I have essentially no other symptoms (no night sweats, fever, etc.), but I also don't have any signs of infection, no sore throat, etc.

I know that since I've been told twice now that it is nothing, I should just forget about it and move on, but it still worries me, because I've been given no source of the issues. I haven't been prescribed any antibiotics in case it is some infection, I haven't received any testing other than feeling the two lymphnodes, is this standard?

I don't like being in the position of questioning doctors, as they likely know a hell of a lot more than I do on the subject, but it all seems relatively scary knowing what they could mean, and seeing the amount of disregard physicians seem to have about the case. Would it not be more wise to try and detect potential lymphoma PRIOR to having symptoms (and r herefore being more advanced)? I've also heard stories about people having lymphoma and having little to no symptoms at all, other than inflamed lymphnodes, is this a regular occurence?

Overall, I'm probably giving this a bit too much stress, but from what I've researched, it seems like something I SHOULD worry about, but based on how physicians seem to treat it, I'm being silly. Any insight or explanation would be greatly appreciated.

Can one lymph node swollen for no reason?

Some swollen lymph nodes return to normal when the underlying condition, such as a minor infection, gets better. See your doctor if you're concerned or if your swollen lymph nodes: Have appeared for no apparent reason. Continue to enlarge or have been present for two to four weeks.

Can you have swollen lymph nodes with no other symptoms?

You should make an appointment with your GP if you have a swollen gland and no other signs of illness or infection. They are hard or unmovable – Unfortunately, apart from being painless and abnormally large, swollen lymph nodes in leukaemia or lymphoma tend to feel quite similar to infected lymph nodes.

Is it normal for only one side of lymph nodes to swell?

A swollen node with a bacterial throat infection is usually just on one side. It can be quite large; over 1 inch (25 mm) across. This is about the size of a quarter. Most often, it's the node that drains the tonsil.

Can lymph nodes swell with no infection?

A swollen lymph node does not necessarily mean the infection is severe. Some people's lymph nodes swell very easily, and a person has no other symptoms.