Where is the portacaval lymph node located

Anatomical Regions for the Staging of Hodgkin Lymphoma

Where is the portacaval lymph node located

Lymph nodes above the diaphragm

  • Waldeyer ring
  • Tonsils, adenoids (nasopharynx), lingual tonsils
  • Cervical[neck] (occipital, submental, preauricular, submandibular, internal jugular)
  • Infraclavicular
  • Supraclavicular (scalene)
  • Axillary, pectoral
  • Mediastinal (peritracheal, thymic region)
  • Hilar
  • Epitrochlear, brachial

Lymph nodes below the diaphragm

  • Upper abdomen (splenic hilar, celiac, porta hepatis)
  • Lower abdomen (iliac,
  • paraaortic, retroperitoneal, mesenteric, abdominal, NOS)
  • Iliac
  • Inguinal
  • Femoral
  • Popliteal
  • Spleen

  • Full Record
  • Other Related Research


Between the portal vein and the inferior vena cava lies a small space that may be occupied by multiple anatomic structures including the caudate and papillary processes of the caudate lobe of the liver, portacaval lymph nodes, replaced or accessory right hepatic arteries, posterosuperior pancreaticoduodenal vessels, the cystic duct, and the epiploic foramen to the lesser sac. The sectional anatomy of these structures is illustrated in this paper with particular emphasis on the portacaval nodes. Unlike the adjacent celiac lymph nodes, portacaval nodes appear rectangular or elliptical on transverse sections and may measure up to 1.3 cm in anteroposterior dimension. They may mimic portions of the pancreas, liver, or biliary tract on sectional images.

Authors: Auh, Y H; Rubenstein, W A; Kneeland, J B; Whalen, J P; Kazam, EPublication Date: Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 EDT 1985Research Org.: New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, NYOSTI Identifier: 5378448Report Number(s): CONF-851152-
Journal ID: CODEN: RADLAResource Type: ConferenceJournal Name: Radiology; (United States)Additional Journal Information: Journal Volume: 156:2; Conference: 71. scientific assembly and annual meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, 17 Nov 1985Country of Publication: United StatesLanguage: EnglishSubject: 62 RADIOLOGY AND NUCLEAR MEDICINE; LYMPHATIC SYSTEM; ANATOMY; COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY; NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE; PORTAL SYSTEM; COMPARATIVE EVALUATIONS; LIVER; BLOOD VESSELS; BODY; CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM; DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES; DIGESTIVE SYSTEM; GLANDS; MAGNETIC RESONANCE; ORGANS; RESONANCE; TOMOGRAPHY; VEINS; 550602* - Medicine- External Radiation in Diagnostics- (1980-); 550600 - Medicine

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Zirinsky, K, Auh, Y H, Rubenstein, W A, Kneeland, J B, Whalen, J P, and Kazam, E. Portacaval space: CT with MR correlation. United States: N. p., 1985. Web.

Zirinsky, K, Auh, Y H, Rubenstein, W A, Kneeland, J B, Whalen, J P, & Kazam, E. Portacaval space: CT with MR correlation. United States.

Zirinsky, K, Auh, Y H, Rubenstein, W A, Kneeland, J B, Whalen, J P, and Kazam, E. 1985. "Portacaval space: CT with MR correlation". United States.

title = {Portacaval space: CT with MR correlation},
author = {Zirinsky, K and Auh, Y H and Rubenstein, W A and Kneeland, J B and Whalen, J P and Kazam, E},
abstractNote = {Between the portal vein and the inferior vena cava lies a small space that may be occupied by multiple anatomic structures including the caudate and papillary processes of the caudate lobe of the liver, portacaval lymph nodes, replaced or accessory right hepatic arteries, posterosuperior pancreaticoduodenal vessels, the cystic duct, and the epiploic foramen to the lesser sac. The sectional anatomy of these structures is illustrated in this paper with particular emphasis on the portacaval nodes. Unlike the adjacent celiac lymph nodes, portacaval nodes appear rectangular or elliptical on transverse sections and may measure up to 1.3 cm in anteroposterior dimension. They may mimic portions of the pancreas, liver, or biliary tract on sectional images.},
doi = {},
url = {https://www.osti.gov/biblio/5378448}, journal = {Radiology; (United States)},
number = ,
volume = 156:2,
place = {United States},
year = {Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 EDT 1985},
month = {Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 EDT 1985}

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What is the normal size of a portacaval lymph node?

Unlike the adjacent celiac lymph nodes, portacaval nodes appear rectangular or elliptical on transverse sections and may measure up to 1.3 cm in anteroposterior dimension.

What are lymph nodes on your liver?

The hepatic nodes consist of the hepatic, receiving lymph from the celiac nodes and located on the hepatic artery; the subpyloric, a group of four to five nodes at the bifurcation of the gastroduodenal artery; and the cystic nodes, on the neck of the gallbladder. These nodes feed into the celiac nodes.

What does enlarged periportal lymph nodes mean?

Background & aims: Enlarged periportal lymph nodes often are noticed during imaging of the upper abdomen. Malignant infiltration and enlargement of periportal nodes occur in patients with cancers of the liver, gallbladder, biliary tree, and pancreas and lymphoma.

Is 16 mm lymph node normal?

Of 225 lymph nodes from all zones in the CT study, 99% measured less than 16 mm in largest diameter. The average lymph node size in the four zones in the cadavers was 12.6 X 8.3 mm (length X width).